From a very young age I was exposed to computers. Born in 1990, my dad always had custom computers in the house, and one of my earliest memories is playing a text based DOS game with my parents help at around 3 years old. As I got older, I became more and more fascinated with the seemingly limitless possibilities that computers held. Software is what truly made these computers come to life!
At about 12 years old, I had already had aspirations of being a software developer in a sense, at the time wanting to enter realm of game creation specifically. When I finished high school, I went to community college majoring in Computer Science. Unfortunately, life happened and I never finished my degree, stopping after 2 semesters. While always maintaining a passion for computers, I admittedly made many mistakes that didn’t translate to my dream of working in computer related field. Working a full time job with many hours of overtime, I always made excuses for myself limiting my potential growth. When I was let go from my job last November I decided now is the perfect time to focus on my growth and make my aspirations a reality. I started taking some programming courses on, later finding out about coding bootcamps. Further research into coding bootcamps brought me here, to Flat Iron School.
Aside from a passion of the never-ending-innovation of technology and computers, I realize to be a software developer requires you to have a certain set of skills and an appropriate mental capacity in order to truly make it in the field. I believe I meet those requirements, now I just need to gain the proper knowledge!
I love the problem solving aspect of the software development. I love the flexibility in career choices, with the possibility of working remotely from home even! I like that it’s a growing career field, projected to grow about 21 percent by 2028. And well, I’d be lying if I didn’t say the average starting salary wasn’t a deciding factor! There are so many great reasons to enter the world of software development, so why software development? I say why not!?